Mackay District Special School is committed to developing the elearning capabilities of all students and staff to improve learning outcomes. Mackay District Special School has excellent ICT resources boasting a Smartboard and at least two iPads with the associated applications in every classroom. As identified in the AIP, Toolkit 5 is actively working towards an iPad for every student in the "iPads for Success" project. Furthermore since the attendance of five of our staff members at the Spectronics Inclusive Learning conference in 2012 Toolkit 5 have established a new project through a long term partnership formed with Thiess and Peabody which involves the development of a state of the art assitive and adaptive technology toolkit through the acquisition of various assistive and adaptive technology devices with the aim of early student intervention using the Student Environment Tasks and Tools (SETT) framework.
As part of our School Improvement Process Mackay District Special School is committed to supporting Education Queensland's strategic Smart Classrooms Agenda with all staff interacting with the Smart Classrooms Framework at the relevant level. In 2012 school leaders embarked on their journey of the Smart Classrooms Professional Development Framework by completing the eLearning Leaders framework and developing Toolkit 5, an eLearning Plan for Mackay District Special School. All teachers are progressing on their journey of digital pedagogy demonstrating indicators at ICT Certificate level with some teachers having progressed towards attainment of their Digital Pedagogical licence. Education support workers at Mackay District Special School have embraced digital pedagogy and are enhancing day to day classroom practice by engaging in the Education Support Workers framework.
Toolkit 5 is currently performing an audit of the ICT Scope and Sequence for stages 1 to 15 of the Mackay District Special School Curriculum 2012 ICT strand from Curriculum to Classroom(C2C) units and the Smart Classrooms Students' ICT Expectations in order to deliver enhanced learning outcomes for students.