Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology is defined as ‘the software and technology which helps people with disabilities to overcome the additional challenges they face in communication and learning.’ (BECTA, 2003)
The range of assistive technologies that are used at Mackay District Special School include:
Augmentative and Assistive Communication (AAC) technologies which are divided into low technology systems – communication boards, books and objects boards; and high technology systems-computers and specialised software, with the capacity to provide print and voice output
Access equipment: switch devices, touch screens, adapted mouse, eye gaze technology, on-screen keyboards, enlarged keyboards, tablet keyboards, ergonomic keyboards and key guards, and environmental access equipment such as remote door openers and ramps
Environmental Control Units to control infrared receivers
Assistive listening devices
Visual aids
Mobility and positioning aids such as wheelchairs, adapted classroom chairs, slant boards and wedges (support students in a good position for learning to occur effectively).